Providing resources for assisting like-minded fathers in understanding and performing their God-given responsibilities in fatherhood

Sunday, February 18, 2007

What's a Motto For You?

A motto is a short expression of a guiding principle. Most mottoes are statements of faith or advice, which are serious in nature. Others are humorous thoughts to remind us not to take ourselves too seriously

This site lists mottoes from various sources. Most are in Latin, but several are in other languages. If the motto is not in English, the English translation for it is listed beside the motto.

Updated to point to another post with the captured list:


Dave Conklin said...

The motto I came up with for our family is:

The Will of God, by the Grace of God, for the Glory of God

translated as:

Dei Voluntas, Dei Gratia, Dei Gloriam

Shahal said...

hi, am shahal from india .