Providing resources for assisting like-minded fathers in understanding and performing their God-given responsibilities in fatherhood

Friday, April 18, 2008

Founding Fathers

I recently had the opportunity to serve on a jury in our county's Superior Criminal Court. I had never served on a jury, and I have to say it was eye-opening in many ways.

The case I was seated for was a domestic abuse case with a husband accused of assault and second degree kidnapping on his wife. Unfortunately, the case ended in a mistrial because one juror refused to believe the woman's testimony.

Regardless, the experience sent me on a web search for resources on teaching boys how to properly respect women. Needless to say, this a big problem in our society. I'll post several more links in the future, but for now, here's a great organization I found that gives visibility to this issue:

As a Founding Father, you are setting the example for generations of young men who will follow you. Your son, grandson, nephew, younger brother - all the boys in your life need your time, energy, and advice to help them grow into healthy young men. Through your guidance, they'll learn that real men respect women, that violence never equals strength, and that there is honor in taking a stand against violence.

Are you teaching your boys these things? If so, stop by the website and add your name to the "declaration".

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