Providing resources for assisting like-minded fathers in understanding and performing their God-given responsibilities in fatherhood

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Gut-level Honesty

I just enjoyed a two-day mini men's retreat with guest speaker Steve Farrar. I've seen him speak before and really enjoyed it. This time he challenged us men in several areas with his straight-shootin' insight.

Of particular challenge to me was the question of "personal integrity". Do I live the same when I'm alone and no one is watching as I do when I'm in public? Are all my financial dealings "above board"? Do I lie (even ever so slightly) to make things more convenient for myself? I pray God will help me in this area.

Here's a quote from Steve's website:

There’s one non-negotiable trait that you must embrace in your life and that trait is gut-level honesty. You must stay alert to the schemes of the enemy. We’re at war, and our foe is smarter and greater and wiser than we are. But Jesus is greater than he is. So let’s keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus.

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