Providing resources for assisting like-minded fathers in understanding and performing their God-given responsibilities in fatherhood

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Knight for Hire

This has got to be the coolest job in the world!

If I had the guts to drop out of the "rat race" I would love to do something like this. Karl M. Kindt III is a "Knight for Hire".

He is a Christian who uses the knight metaphor to teach children what it means to serve the Lord.

Check out his site with all kinds of pictures, knight related stories, and other stuff. Be sure to check out the "Why and How I Became a Knight" link.

1 comment:

kkindt said...

I am Karl M. Kindt III and do appreciate this posting to my website. My phone is 314 961 0987 and my motto is "Have armor, will travel for our Lord"