Some of us have great difficulty in thinking of the Lord Jesus as a Man forever. Is that an assured truth of Scripture?
Well, let us look at the Scripture evidence step by step.
On the resurrection day He came forth from the grave a real Man in a human body, not a body of flesh and blood as He had before the Cross, but of flesh and bones (Luke 24: 39); a body in which He could eat (Luke 24: 43); a body which bore the marks of His suffering and which could be handled by Thomas (John 20: 27).
In that same body He was "carried up into heaven" (Luke 24: 51). "A cloud received Him out of their sight " (Acts 1: 9). A spirit could not be said to be carried up nor are clouds necessary to receive such out of human sight. He was still a Man.
Shortly after Stephen saw Him in glory. His testimony was, "I see . . . the Son of MAN standing on the right hand of God" (Acts 7: 56).
Later still Paul writes of Him as "The Man Christ Jesus" (1 Tim. 2: 5). He does not speak of Him as the One who once was the Man Christ Jesus. He is a Man to-day.
The millennial age is to come. It is to be put not under angels but under Man in the person of the Son of Man. This is the argument of Hebrews 2: 5-9. Clearly, then, He will be Man in the coming age.
At the end of the millennial age He is to deliver up the kingdom to God, even the Father, and become Himself subject (see 1 Cor. 15: 24-28). Bearing in mind that He is God equally with the Father we might with astonishment ask how this can be, save that we remember that also He is Man. As Man, He fills perfectly man's place of subjection without for one moment ceasing to be equal with the Father. Our blessed Lord is essentially God, yet for eternity He takes the subject place, only explicable by the fact that to all eternity He is also Man; and as such the Head and Sustainer of the redeemed creation, which is the fruit of His work.
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Odds & Ends: February 21, 2025
1 day ago
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