Providing resources for assisting like-minded fathers in understanding and performing their God-given responsibilities in fatherhood

Thursday, March 22, 2007

30 Days

I found this website a long time ago and totally forgot about it and misplaced the link. I finally stumbled on it again. This looks like a great tool for a family where the parent has lost touch with a teenager somewhere along the line and needs some "neutral ground" to regain the connection. The stated purpose of the curriculum is:

To strengthen the connection between their hearts, one parent and one student commit to spending 10 minutes together for 30 evenings. Each evening they go to a room with a closed door. By candlelight they break the seal on an envelope in the
30 Days notebook. Inside the envelope they find five cards. Following the instructions on the cards, they say and do those things that have the greatest power to deepen relationships. This experience is designed for students junior high through college.

You can get more information including sample cards at:

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