Providing resources for assisting like-minded fathers in understanding and performing their God-given responsibilities in fatherhood

Friday, July 20, 2007

Turn the Light On

Lamplighter Ministries is committed to helping pastors and parents equip believers to face today's challenges through discernment of truth and the renewing of their minds. Lamplighter is doing just that by building character... one story at a time.

And to do this they are currently running a "Turn the Light On" campaign/promotion:

To encourage families to set aside time to read together, pastors will challenge their congregations to covenant to abstain, for 30 days, from all forms of media entertainment. During this 30-day period, Lamplighter will provide 5 Lamplighter books for each participating family for a third of the retail cost ($30); we are asking the church to contribute a third, and Lamplighter will contribute a third. Each contributor (family, church, Lamplighter) will be investing $30 per family. I strongly believe that the return on this investment will be a congregation with renewed passion and vitality!

Check with your pastor or children's pastor to see if your congregation can participate.

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