Providing resources for assisting like-minded fathers in understanding and performing their God-given responsibilities in fatherhood

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Masculinity vs. Maturity

I like this little article from the Thinklings blog (seven Christian guys sharing a common sounding board) concerning the difference between masculinity and maturity which sometimes get confused. From the article:

Suggestion #1: Church leaders concerned about the state of manhood in the church: please ditch the “all church guys are chicks” talk. It’s not true. I mean, it sounds good, it sells books, it spices up sermons when you describe the alleged wussification of men in our society ... the men in our churches that are part of the problem are not wusses, they just aren’t men. They are boys. The problem is a lack of maturity, not a lack of masculinity.

Check out the full article here:

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